• Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics, 26e

Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics, 26e

  • PRODUCT CODE : 9788131256954
  • CATEGORY: Medical
  • ISBN-13:
  • PAGES: 1160
  • LANGUAGE: English

Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics, 26e

Rs. 1450.00

Publisher :Elsevier
  • Medical
  • English
  • 1160 PAGES

Structured pedagogy facilitating feature-rich presentation and organization of the content, which makes it more student friendly richly illustrated content supplemented with large number of tables and boxes – explaining physiology, complex concepts, relevant drug features and principles of Pharmacotherapy mechanisms of drug actions, explained in text and illustrated via diagrams as well as videos (animations) for better understanding and retention key points in pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy of diseases highlighted throughout the book practical tips in this book serve as a reference guide in practice so that students can treat their patients effectively and confidently.

Structured pedagogy facilitating feature-rich presentation and organization of the content, which makes it more student friendly richly illustrated content supplemented with large number of tables and boxes – explaining physiology, complex concepts, relevant drug
res and principles of Pharmacotherapy mechanisms of drug actions, explained in text and illustrated via diagrams as well as videos (animations) for better understanding and retention key points in pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy of diseases highlighted throughout the book practical tips in this book serve as a reference guide in practice so that students can treat their patients effectively and
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  • PRODUCT CODE : 9788131256954
  • CATEGORY: Medical
  • ISBN-13: 9788131256954
  • PAGES: 1160
  • LANGUAGE: English

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